Monday, March 29, 2010

6 & 29

Malachi turned 6 in January and two days later I turned 29. He had a great Transformers party that my husband planned and executed perfectly.

Check out this short clip:

His poor little buddy Wyatt had a belly ache by the end of the festivities.

This is one of Wyatt's little sisters and she's so darn cute I had to post her picture :) Look at those eyes!

For my birthday all I really wanted was a quiet day. First Mal made me breakfast:
Yes, I did eat one bite of it in front of him.
It was a Sunday so after church Rob got some take out from Jack's Resturant, I opened my one present (that I had been wanting for a while), and took a nap. At youth group that night some of the kids surprised me with a cake they made themselves and a card that was so sweet and expressed their appreciation for all I do for them. After youth group I went out to the movies by myself. Good stuff.
This is the present I had wanted. It's a special rubber board and pizza-cutter-like tool for cutting fabric. It's soooooo much quicker than hand tracing and cutting. I love it!