Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Zillion Pictures

First off, meet our bunnies. The white one is Jack, the black and white one is Sara Flower

and this is Cinabon (whom the kids wanted to call "Mrs. Higginstein"!! Mommy vetoed that.)

They each have their own coup and then we have a fence for them to run around in daily and the kids go in there to spend time with them.This is a picture I took with my phone at the elementary school where I sub. One of the teachers there has stage 4 cancer and was voted in to be the Yankees bat girl! It was very exciting and the whole town turned up on the morning of the game to send her off. Candor is really special in the way they care for one another.

Next: Impromptu camping trip due to stress at home.
Pets had to come - bunnies were good but Rob's 14 year old dog was a total diva. Stayed in the car most of the time and refused to be out in the filth of the woods!
These pictures are deceiving because it was only like this for about one hour of the whole weekend. The rest of the time it poured and we played "Go Fish" and put puzzles together under our dining canopy. It was a good bonding time though.

A butterfly that lived in our campsite. Can you see it in the middle of the picture? It has black wings...
Ah yes. This is a true picture of the experience! That's the kids by the campfire with an umbrella. They loved the trip but Rob and I just kinda made the best of it. Actually I was in the game room until 1am typing and submitting a paper for college on the first night... (you could buy 24hours of WiFi at this campground for $2). So that was super fun. But hey, got an A. Yeah baby.The fourth of July, Candor Style:We started out the day at the Applegarth's for breakfast - my kids love Robin Applegarth and Hudson (seen here with them and one of his cousins.) Oh and I guess all of you Applegarth crew are ok too ;0)

Then the parade happened at 10am. Pretty cool. The theme was Family Traditions.My kids ready for the candy throwing to start (we were on the street they all line up on). It was funny to watch our son dive for the candy and our daughter just wait in her seat and let him dump 1/2 of the loot into her bucket! What a system they had. He does all the work and she gets 50% of the profits. Nice.

This lady takes all of her grand kids for one week each summer (at the same time) and they call it Camp Gungah.

After the parade we went out to Warren Center to spend some time with Rob's family and then back to a party at the Jorgenson's (oh and I left there to drop in on a graduation party - so it was an insanely busy day!)
Below: Just a pretty picture I took pulling into Owego one evening.
My daughter and I were talking one day and she asked if I could see Jesus. I said yes, I could. And she asked "how?" So I proceeded to tell her that I can see Jesus in everything that's lovely, beautiful, true and right and that I see Jesus when I look at her. So she just sat there silently taking it all in. A few days later we were outside sitting on my swing snuggling and she screamed "MOMMY!! I SEE JESUS!!!" Of course I asked, "Where?" And she pointed to a some beautiful purple flowers I had planted. It was so cute! And so now she randomly calls out when she "sees Jesus" and it always startles me because she SCREAMS it. Below is a "I see Jesus Mommy!" moment from the other day.Aunt Jessie came to visit from Pitt. Our son composed an official list of all the fun to be had before she could leave our house.
It included:Picking flowers with our daughter...Swinging, which he got injured pushing Aunt Jess so this is her comforting him...A fun snack.... we all decided on giant Popsicles that turn your tongue bright colors...Also included in the list a puppet show by the kids, a piano concert by our son, watching funny videos on YouTube, and taking everyone out to lunch by Rob (that Rob added to the list :0)
It was great to see Jess!

A couple snap shots of the annual Joe Santacrose Soccer Tournament (in honor of my brother). Here Aunt Carol is painting a flower on my daughter's foot. And then below is one I did on my niece Daisie.

Our son got his first cavity filled this month and was VERY brave.

Just a cute shot of our daughter.

And a cute one of the cousins chillin.
Hope your summer's going great too!