Thursday, March 27, 2008

Had to take the cousins!

Ok, so we went home to NY recently and I just HAD to take my sisters kids bowling! Theresa (my older sister) and I took all 7 kids alone. We asked Mom and Rob if they wanted to go with us and they both opted to stay home and rest - weaklings. :) Anyway, we took all the kids and they LOVED it!! The best is the picture of my neices on their bellies waiting for the ball (thrown by the two year old) to hit!

My daughter was very put-out by the whole thing at first but eventually warmed up to the idea and rolled the ball once. (Glad I paid for her to play and rented her shoes - right?!)
Just as I walked back from ordering some snacks for us my nephew said "Aunt Christian, I'm hungry" to which I replied "I just ordered some food, buddy" and his little sister chimed in "Ooo. I like food."

Good times. Good times.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Worship Cafe

While visiting home (NY) this week I put together a little cafe for the folks at my home church Warren Center UMC (the church I grew up in). I had done it at Bentley in February and it was such a good time that I thought it might be a hit in Warren Center too, and it was! It was alot of fun. I played a few 'specials' first while everyone relaxed, snacked, chatted and then we closed the night with a worship set.
It was cute... I didn't let them set up a nursery cuz I think the kids need to be part of worship too so we had about 15 little ones running around and two different one year old little boys kept offering me 1/2 eaten cookies as I played. It was sweet. I'd just quickly say "no thank you" in between worship lyrics! :) Kids are great. So pure... You can see why Jesus wants us to enter like a child...
It was great to see everyone again! Thanks for having me guys!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rob's Birthday

Well, today was my lovers birthday and because he's in school all day on Thursdays (meaning he leaves the house at 6am and gets home at 11pm) the kids and I promised him we'd travel down to DC and have lunch with him at Wesley. So we did. I had the kids each decorate a small cake before we left the house and help wrap Daddy's gifts.

I promised them that they could go through the lunch line and get whatever they wanted for lunch (to which our son yelled "OOooh I know what I'm gonna have Mommy... MEAT!!" - Cuz Mommy doesn't cook a whole lot of meat... :) So they went through the line and got meals very true to character for each of them: Our son got a sandwhich, plus a large-thick slice of ham, and corn chips. Our daughter got a small helping of pasta, 8 cherry tomatoes, and fruit salad. (This below is actually a picture of our daughter looking guilty as she steals green olives off my plate as everyone else is eating cake. We asked he if she wanted cake and she replied "no fanks")

Rob seemed happy to see us and to show us around the school. (Look how cute he looks as we sing him "Happy Birthday"!)
The kids liked the courtyard the best (who am I kidding, so did I!)

And on the 1 and 1/2 hour drive back home this was the scene:
Happy Birthday Rob! We Love You!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Mommy The-sus"

My daughter's new thing is pretending she's "Mommy The-sus" (Mommy Jesus... ya know... Mary). This is her watching TV the other day. She walks around like this all the time and I think she looks so cute. That's all - just wanted to share. :)

Someone loves me...

Ok, so we have a closet door in our dining room that does not shut and it drives me NUTS!! It used to shut but would stick so bad that I could barely open it so Rob, trying to help, started fixing it and never finished leaving it so it doesn't latch at all. So all day my poor kids hear Mommy grumble "Ugh.. I hate this door" as I run into it or try to prop something against it to keep it closed cuz it's right in the main walkway of the house.

Well, Friday I woke up to the sounds of tape being pulled from the roll and as I opened my eyes I heard my son in the sweetest little voice whisper "Hey Mommy. Mommy. Come look. I fixed that door you hate so bad." - and here's what I found:
How cute is my son?! Somebody loves me!