Sunday, September 12, 2010

A baby here. A baby gone.

I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now so I'll be quick. I just can't stop thinking about something that happened today... Ya know when you're having a good time with friends and you get a text that's not good at all and as you are absorbing what the text says you fake a little chuckle at your friends as they continue on with their conversation? You don't say anything because you have to explain too much to make it worth the trouble of even bringing it up?.... I did that today. I was at a baby shower and was just sitting back observing a couple surrounded by so many people that love them and were there to celebrate the arrival of their child. It was nice. Watching those glances shot between the happy couple and seeing all of the warm and pretty pink gifts that will grace a warm and loving home. While watching all of this my phone started vibrating. I looked down to see who was texting me and read a message from a friend beside herself because her child's father was holding the baby captive and not letting her see the child. She fears he will take her to court for full custody and to be honest, the more I think about it, he'll probably win. It was one of those "time stands still" moments where you feel yourself blink but it's seemingly in slow motion. What strange timing for that text. One baby is being joyfully welcomed and one has disappeared from the one who gave birth to it. I know this next thought is obvious to many but has been swirling around in my mind since that moment: When I gave birth to Malachi some one's son died somewhere probably not too far away, perhaps in the same hospital. The day I got married someone was calling it quits with their spouse. I announced today that I got a new job and someone, some where, had to break the news that they lost theirs. On the flip side, the day I was told my first baby had no heart beat and "we're sorry" someone else heard their baby's heart beating strong. It's incredible the parallel universes that exist together and at any moment you can be on one side or the other. Incredible.

1 comment:

Tam. said...

I tried commenting last night, my phone was not cooperating.

I had a similiar, emotional moment in July. My Gram passed away on the 22nd, we welcomed our newest nephew on the 23rd, almost exactly 24 hours later.

Life experiences are different for everyone, that was never more clear to me than in that 24 hours as we were mourning the passing of my wonderful Gram, and rejoicing in the birth of Drayke.

I hope everything works out for your friend.