Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fiber Arts and Such

I have been knitting quite a bit these days, making many Christmas gifts. I am trying to make most of this year's gifts and have found some cool projects to try. It's been a little hard coming up with homemade things my little nephews will actually like but I think I finally have a good idea. We shall soon find out. After Christmas I'll post lots of pictures.

I have been finishing up some quilts lately that I have been working on for far too long. Here are three I made for a friend who is having a baby soon: The large one is for her, the smaller for the baby, and the tiny one for her (the baby) to use with a baby doll. I really like the way they turned out. (Pink and blue are my friend's favorite colors.)
I have also finished up one for my friend in Minnesota, James. He ONLY likes blue :) so I worked hard to make an interesting quilt with only shades of blue (and a little white). I am working right now to finish up one more quilt that is already started and then I am FINALLY making one for just Rob and I. It's the whole "The cobblers children have no shoes". I have made so many quilts for some many people and Rob and I sleep under a thin, rough to the touch, cheap comforter bought for like $40 ten years ago. Not complaining just saying that it's kinda silly seeing as I make and give away such pretty, warm blankets. So, soon I'm starting one just for us and I really have some great ideas for it.

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