Saturday, October 23, 2010

Slaughter Day

This is the head of a goat. This is the head of a goat that we killed. This is the head of a goat that we killed and cooked. This is the head of a goat that we killed and cooked for slaughter day. This is the head of a goat that we killed and cooked for slaughter day this year.

Every year for, oh I don't know, almost a decade I'd say, we and our Warren Ham crew select an animal and slaughter it and roast it over an open fire in the woods as a sort of fall celebration. We have done pigs, cows, and even emu's. This year was our little goat friend here. Along with the meat (cooked in various forms as you'll see below) the ladies always bring delicious side dishes and desserts too and it's just a great flavorful night with the old friends. Some years it's 50 people and some years it's small like this year but every year is a much needed break from the daily/weekly/yearly grind.
A shot of the shanty - no power up here in the woods but there is a wood stove which is nice when the sun sets for the little ones to warm up. See the deer horns on the side of the door? Elise, my little animal loving almost vegetarian, said in a disgusted tone "Geez. They sure like to kill things up here, don't they?!" Hahaha. Later on our drive home I asked the kids as I usually do after any event, "What was your favorite part of the day?" to which Elise stated "My favorite part? Nothing. They killed a goat Mom!" Hahaha. To each his (or her) own. But don't let her words fool you. She was all smiles all night as she played and ate desserts :)

Joel, Chris and Rob (and usually Tim but he's excused for having a baby 3 days before) cut up the meat all afternoon right at the campsite, prepping it for cooking.

There, of course, is always a keg of root beer or in the case of this year, birch beer.

What would be a campfire without a little boy poking it? Oh, I mean "fixing it".
Sister has to join in now of course.
The pot that will host the goat stew. My sister Jess is the one sitting in the stone thrown there - she was psyched to come up from Pitt for a visit just to find out it was slaughter day weekend!
Chris' daughter Hazel slept through most of evening.
Malachi loves babies and took many turns holding and feeding her :)
Yummy home made pumpkin whoopie pies.
Goat meatloaf cooking in a dutch oven.
These are templates for making shirts. Carved backwards so you spray on bleach and then press face down onto your blank shirt.
Rob stirring the stew.
Sally's fresh rolls. To. Die. For. These are just as famous and anticipated as the slaughtered animal!
Pumpkin whoopie pies and fresh warm apple crisp.
Finished stew. It was good. Meat was nice and tender. I'm not a huge meat fan in general so I only had one bowl but others had quite a few helpings.
Done meatloaf.
"Time to eat the kid"
I miss that place so much. Before we all had kids we'd be up there every Saturday night rain or shine just chillin in the woods. Axe throwing competitions, a never ending supply of mountain dew and way too many discussions about constructing a round boat.
Yes, we are strange. But we all fit together so nicely. My 5 year old looked at Chris Barker half through the night and whispered to me "He's weird" to which he and I started cracking up, "You have no idea Elise. This is just the tip of the iceberg!"
Viva Warren Ham.

1 comment:

Joel Dewing said...

Good old Slaughter Day. My third favorite holiday.