Saturday, July 17, 2010

Push Pins Kids Camp

You might remember a post I did in March about Rob's birthday gift from me being tickets to see a awesome drama group called PUSH... We'll they have a children's camp called PUSH Pins for a week every July in a town outside of Rochester and although I could not afford to send them for the entire week this year we drove them up for one day. They loved it and now we know to start saving up so they can attend the whole thing next summer.

Stretching was the only thing the parents were allowed to attend. We actually didn't realize that we weren't going to be able to hang out so we found ourselves with 6 hours to kill in a small town with not much to do and the temperature at 100 degrees. We sat reading in a park for an hour under a tree to shade us but soon were just too hot. We searched around for a mall hoping for maybe a movie theatre - found a mall, no theatre. So we killed about an hour and half walking around there. Came back and walked around town. Out of ideas we went back into the church the PUSH group was renting to hold the event just hoping to find SOMETHING, ANYTHING to do. As we entered the building one could go right and make their way to the camp activities or one could go left to the dark, closed off sanctuary that appeared as if was supposed to be left alone. I whispered to Rob "Lets sneak in there. Maybe with the lights off all day it'll be cooler in there than out here in the hall." He replied "No. You've been in a hundred sanctuaries in your life and they're the hottest places EVER." "Just let me check" I said as I snuck over to the double doors. I opened them and a cool breeze hit me! It was air conditioned! I waved Rob in and we both settled in on the floor between pews to read (on the floor so we wouldn't be seen. I know, I know, we're such bad rebels!) He got up to sneak to the bathroom and I was laying on my stomach on the floor reading when he left. When he returned a few minutes later I was asleep! He tells me I was snoring. So he let me sleep and he continued to read. I woke up an hour and a half later with a hymn in my head (of-course, right?!) Then we walked and found a Ben and Jerry's ice cream shop to spend our last bit of time in.

The kids loved the day. The PUSH folks taught them many ways to use their imaginations and their bodies to act out ideas and themes. Malachi even got awarded "Camper of the Day" in his age group because of how encouraging and supportive he was the whole time to Elise who was very nervous about the whole thing.
Please take a minute to view this VERY cool demo they did for the kids on my YouTube page!

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