Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kindergarten Registration

My baby girl is now registered for Kindergarten. That's crazy! She was just born the other day, wasn't she?
She's very excited to be going. I know she'll love it and it will be nice for Rob to get every day until 3pm to do his work instead of trying to do it all with a small child following him around saying "What are you doing Daddy? What are you doing? Why? Why are you doing it that way? Wanna see what I can do Daddy? Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. DADDDDYY!!!!!! I'm talking to you Daddy!" (With hand on her hip).
When they bring them in to register in the spring before they start school they test them on a number of different skill sets and a few weeks later the parents are mailed the results. We got ours back and found that she score very high in clear speech and vocabulary to which we were like "Well yeah. The child never stops talking. Of course she does it well." I kid you not, as I type RIGHT NOW she is rattling on about what the word "pizazz" means and how you would use it in a sentence. (Of-course I'm being a super attentive mother nodding my head and saying "Yeah. Yeah. Cool honey." while tuning her out completely.)
The things they said she needs work on make sense for the most part too. I think she'll do well and like all of the new things she will learn.

Yep. I think kindergarten will be a good thing for everyone.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Earth Ship

I LOVE this Earth Ship in New Mexico. Check it out... It says it's available for nightly rentals but I can't find out how to go about that.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Want to Own a Goat

So. After my post about not having dreams and goals I decided to make some. I went to Buttermilk Falls in Ithaca one sunny, breezy day and laid in the grass with a journal and mapped out my dreams and goals for the next ten years of my life. I won't list them out because quite frankly it's non of your bees-wax :0) but I will say that they range from the large and super-serious all the way down to the most quirky ones like "I want to own a goat". Which is true. I have always wanted to own a goat. I love how they could give a crap about what you want them to do they just look at you and say "maa". I kindred spirit of mine for sure.
I am working toward these goals both on my own and with Rob. We have a plan that will reveal it's self with in the next two years (give or take).
It feels good to dream because I'm moving toward something instead of waiting for something to come randomly. A lot of the reason I hadn't allowed myself to dream is because most of my dreams will let down someone but I can't care about that anymore. I'm not who anyone else thinks I should be. I am simply me, and I would not want to hold anyone back from their dreams or potential even if it would let my expectations down somehow.
As I have started to move toward these goals God has already begun to make connections for me, connections I might need in the future in order to reach my goals.
I have stepped down from my senior position at work after much thought on it. It took a lot of pushing on my part but I think my bosses will see that if I can be home at night with my children I will be a happier and more productive worker. It is a significant pay cut but I don't care. I'll never have this time back with my children so it's worth every penny lost.
So that's that. Dreams. Goals. Goat. Awesome.