Monday, February 1, 2010

Grandma D

In December my Grandma died. Although it was expected I still took it pretty hard. One of my earliest childhood memories is her watching us as the family built her and Gramps house and she handed me a strawberry sugar daddy.... weird the tiny moments that get cemented in your head... She loved the little one (seen below with my niece Abby).
Just in June she was at Elise's 4th birthday party feeling tired but still very much herself.My children took the news differently. Elise was silent for a moment and then said "Can we talk about something else?" while Malachi cried and asked 1000 questions.
At the viewing I asked my Grandpa if he'd like some coffee and he said he would. So I asked "How do you take it Gramp?" and in his typical old farmer way he responded "Well, anyway you've got it I supposed. This is no time to be fussy" with a grin. Malachi later hugged him and said he was sad and Grandpa smiled and said "I'd rather be somewhere else too".
We weren't going to take the kids to the funeral because it was a school day and I was unsure of how they'd react to it. The night before it, however, Malachi wrote Grandma a note that read "I'm glad you are healed now. Stay safe with Jesus. I love you." (etc.) and asked if he could give it to her at the funeral. I told him he wasn't going and with big tears welling up in his eyes he looked at me and said "How would you like it if you wrote her a note and someone wouldn't let you give it to her?" So, of course, they went. He, emotional. She, quiet. Me, a bit of both.
I loved her pale blue coffin and a quilt made by my Aunt lying across it. Perfect for Grandma. So her. Elise wanted to cuddle with Grandpa grave side and he gladly obliged.
I miss you Gram....


a.susie said...


Anonymous said...

Nice thoughts, Chris. We all miss her. She was a special lady.

Aunt Jill

crystal said...

crying... I know just how you feel