Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dance Class

So we had our second dance class and what a difference! Our daughter did great! She danced the whole class and of course it was adorable (at least to me!)

Below she gets a sticker for performing a dance move they learned today. What a good girl :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Much to post about...

My kids get taken out almost every Friday night by an awesome couple from our church so that Rob and I can have a date. And the kids LOVE it. They spend an hour getting all snazzed up (this was them last week). They went out to dinner and I guess our daughter ordered jello for dessert and it came in a perfect little free standing square - well, she had never seen it like that before (I just serve it to her in a bowl) and we were told that she, with a serious face, poked it with her finger and watched it wiggle until it stopped. Paused... and then did it again. And again. She was serious the whole time but Robin and Steve (the couple) were in stitches as were other surrounding tables. :) It's nice to be able to go out on regular dates with my honey and know that my kids are having a blast at the same time.

Sunday School started on the 7th and I am the 7th-12th grade teacher. The room had just been painted bright green so I named and refer to the class/youth group as "LGR" (the Lime Green Room"). So I liked the walls but the furniture, in true church fashion, was U-G-L-Y, un-matching, rust colored tweed from the 70's. But, it was comfortable... I really wanted the teens to feel like they mattered - that they weren't just thrown the leftovers from a yard sale held before they were born - like they had a space just for them. So I bought black material and made slip covers for everything. It looks really nice and it only cost me about $20! (I found it for $1/yard!) Now it just needs a few more things to tie the room together but I'm excited.

Our door had brass plates on it that read "Nursery" and "Adult Sunday School" so that had to be covered... I had ordered custom postcards to advertising "opening day" of SS and the minimum order was 100. I had about 85 left over so I put my Arrowhead Book Store skills to work and created this for our door. Hooray for recycling!

Sara and I have been meeting once a week and practicing and to my surprise we actually sound pretty good! :) I mean, I knew we wouldn't get booed off the stage or anything but hot-spit (as Aunt Nancy would say) we're actually good. (So if anyone wants to book us for a Christmas show we're available...) We still don't have a band name and we're open to suggestions.

And on my own I've been practicing my guitar and even wrote a couple of songs - one of which Rob walked around the house humming for an evening. So I figure when people walk away humming it, it's a good thing, right?

Our son started swimming lessons this week and LOVES it!
Our daughter started dance class and sobbed through the entire thing!

Life with Protest is going well. He's grown but still smaller than most cats. He's very cute and funny.

And one last thing to share...
I have been struggling for 6 months or more with the bible verses that say that we, the people of the Earth, are but blades of grass, shooting up one day and withering the next with one ready to take our place. I would pray "God, I don't get it. I understand that death is very natural and all that... but to compare us to grass... something I walk on... something my dog poops on... seems like you're saying that we are insignificant and yet that can't be or you wouldn't have sent your son to die for us... I just don't understand these verses..." So I would literally ask God about this weekly if not daily for many moons now with no answer from him. Until yesterday.
I was sitting on my swing drinking my morning coffee and I looked at my yard and saw this:

Every single blade had a teeny-tiny drop of water and each were dazzling in the morning sun. It looked like someone had dropped a dump truck full of diamonds in my yard. It was so beautiful. And God spoke to my heart "I don't mean grass as insignificant, I mean I am big to you as you are big to grass. And yes, death is natural. It is a part of life that one withers and dies and another is just waiting to be born, but when I look down on all of you, all of my children, I see a glittering sea of diamonds. I see all of the individual sparkles all next to each other to make one breathtaking whole". And I cried and thanked him for sharing that with me.

How cool is our God that he made the universe but speaks to little old me?